OVERVIEW: Please note that our protocols are subject to change without notice based on recommendations and orders by local health officials and the CDC. Here are the key updates for this summer:
To ensure the well-being of all campers and maintain a healthy camp environment, we reserve the right to send a camper home if they exhibit signs and symptoms of illness. If we contact a parent or guardian, describe the symptoms, and advise that the camper must be picked up, it is mandatory for a parent or guardian to promptly come to the camp to pick up the camper.
Please note that campers displaying signs of illness will not be permitted to stay in class or at camp. This policy applies not only to regular camp days but also extends to final show rehearsals and performance days.
Our priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all campers, and your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is crucial. We appreciate your understanding and commitment to maintaining a healthy camp environment for everyone involved.
To maintain a safe and healthy environment, we have established the following sick policy for when campers are unable to attend the program or will need to be picked up. The following is not an all-inclusive list and there can be instances that are not listed below:
COVID-19 Protocol
If a camper were to become ill during their camp session, the following would need to occur for them to be able to return to the program:
They would need to provide proof of a negative rapid, at-home COVID-19 test to be able to return to camp. The proof of the negative rapid, at-home COVID-19 test needs to be emailed to info@summeractingcamp.com prior to the camper arriving to camp that morning.
The camper would need to be entirely symptom-free from their illness to return.
If the camper had a positive COVID-19 test, they would be unable to return to camp for at least 5 days after their positive COVID-19 test. Proof of a negative test on the day they are looking to return would still be required and they would need to be symptom-free.
Common Cold Symptoms
Campers will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test.
If a camper has excessive coughing, hacking, sneezing, or drainage, they will be unable to remain at camp.
Fever with Behavioral Changes or Other Signs of Illness:
Unexplained temperature over 100.5º F.
If a child has a fever but is behaving normally, monitoring is necessary, and exclusion is not required for fever alone.
Symptoms and Signs of Possible Severe Illness:
Unusual tiredness, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, continuous crying, difficulty breathing, or severe abdominal pain.
Runny, watery, or bloody stools that cannot be contained or cause accidents.
More than two times in the past 24-hour period.
If a camper were to vomit at camp, they would need to be picked up.
Strep Throat:
Campers would need to be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours and be symptom-free to return.
Eye Discharge:
Thick mucus or pus draining from the eye until evaluated by a healthcare provider.
Campers would need to be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.
Head Lice or Nits:
Exclusion from camp until after the first treatment (can wait until the end of the day).
Or the camper can provide a note of professional treatment completion.
Mouth Sores with Drooling:
Exclusion from camp until evaluated by a healthcare provider.
Health Department Determination:
Any child deemed by the local health department to contribute to the transmission of illness during an outbreak.
It is crucial to follow these guidelines to create a safe and healthy camp environment. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to the well-being of everyone involved in our camp community.
MASKS: Masks are strongly recommended but not required for all campers. Summer Acting Camp requests campers stay home if they are feeling ill to protect other campers, our staff, and everyone’s families. This policy is in effect for both sessions of Summer Acting Camp 2025 until further notice and will be re-assessed on an ongoing basis. This policy is subject to change at any time. Before your camp session begins, please refer to this health and safety page and your First Day details email for any policy updates.
If your camper chooses to wear a mask at Summer Acting Camp, the following masks are approved for use at camp:
Procedural and Surgical Masks
N95 or KN95 Masks
Summer Acting Camp will always have masks available for campers if a replacement is needed or a camper decides they would like to wear one.
If a camper were to begin displaying symptoms, have a fever, or appear ill, we will require the camper to wear a mask while being evaluated by our camp nurse as they wait to be picked up. This is to reduce the spread of illness as much as possible while at camp.
VACCINATION REQUIREMENT: Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is not required to attend Summer Acting Camp 2025. An up-to-date booster is highly recommended for all campers.
HAND HYGIENE AND RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE: Campers will be reminded to engage in frequent hand washing using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Additionally, students will be taught to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into their elbow followed by immediate hand washing.
NO SHARING: Sharing is not allowed, and campers will be reminded to always keep their personal belongings with them.
SAFETY SIGNAGE: The camp will post signs in highly visible locations (e.g., camp entrances and restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs by properly washing hands.
ROUTINE CLEANING: We've developed a schedule for increased, routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces (handrails and drinking fountains).
DESIGNATED COVID-19 POINT OF CONTACT: We have established a single dedicated staff member responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns.
ENHANCED STAFF TRAINING: In addition to the standard first aid and safety training our camp staff receives, we have included additional training on recognizing signs and symptoms of illness.