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Empty red chairs in theater



With the recent change in recommendations and orders regarding COVID by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the CDC, we have updated our COVID 19 Protocols and restructured our program to ensure that our staff and campers are at the lowest possible risk which is our top priority. Please note that our protocols are subject to change without notice based on recommendations and orders by local health officials and the CDC. Here are the key changes this summer:


  • OUTDOOR CLASSES: Traditionally, our program takes place indoors but this summer, we've moved completely outdoors onto the beautiful campus of La Canada High School to ensure adequate ventilation and circulation. IN THE EVENT OF EXTREME WEATHER (either over 90 degrees or rain), we will move the students into the LCHS theatre. The HVAC system within the theatre features MERV 11 filtration and all of the cohorts will have their own room should we move into the theatre.

  • SMALL GROUP COHORTS: We have capped our classes at 12 campers max per cohort. Students are grouped by age and we will make every effort to ensure that cohorts are drawn from the same local geographic area. We will do our best to consider all friend grouping requests as long as the requests don't conflict with the recommendations of the CDC and local health officials.

  • SOCIAL DISTANCING: Within cohorts, we've implemented a modified layout in which students will be arranged 6 feet apart at all times. Different cohorts will not mix at any point. Campers will remain with their same cohort and a dedicated teacher throughout the day, every day.

  • MANDATORY MASKS: All campers and staff are required to wear an approved mask at all times. The following are the masks approved for use at the Summer Acting Camp: cloth or paper masks, procedural/surgical masks and N95 Masks (these masks should be reserved for health care providers and first responders)​. Neck gaiters, bandanas, masks with exhalation valves and face shields without an approved mask underneath are NOT ALLOWED. Click HERE for more details on approved masks.​​

  • HAND HYGIENE AND RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE: Campers will be reminded to engage in frequent hand washing using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Additionally, students will be taught to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into their elbow followed by immediate hand washing.

  • NO SHARING: Sharing is not allowed and campers will be reminded to keep their personal belongings with them at all times. We will provide all of the students with their own supplies (scripts, magic tricks, art supplies, etc.) within each cohort.

  • SAFETY SIGNAGE: The camp will post signs in highly visible locations (e.g., camp entrances, cohort areas, restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs by properly washing hands and properly wearing a mask.

  • PHYSICAL GUIDES: Painted lines on floors and walkways will be used to ensure that staff and campers remain at least 6 feet apart in lines by creating guides for creating “one way routes” in hallways.

  • NO FINAL PERFORMANCE: Because the pandemic has forced the closure of all live theatres and large group gatherings have been banned until further notice by local health officials, there will be no final show this summer. However, each small group cohort will work throughout the 1 week session on multiple performance pieces which they can take home with them. Small group cohorts can also present internal final performances at the end of the week.​

  • SPECIFIC DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP LOCATION: To further minimize any possibility of campers from Summer Acting Camp mixing with other camps or summer programs on the LCHS campus, we have established our own drop-off and pick-up location in the LCHS back parking lot off of Foothill Boulevard.

  • COVID-SAFE CLASSES: For summer 2021, we have eliminated classes which would violate the recommendations outlined by the CDC. As such, we have suspended indoor singing and tap dance for summer 2021. All of the classes which have been chosen this summer allow for three feet of distance between campers and can be conducted outdoors.

  • ROUTINE CLEANING: We've developed a schedule for increased, routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces (hand rails, drinking fountains).

  • DESIGNATED COVID-19 POINT OF CONTACT: We have established a single dedicated staff member responsible for responding to Covid-19 concerns.

  • DAILY HEALTH SCREENINGS: Our camp has instituted daily health checks for campers and staff. Conducted at check-in stations upon arrival each day, these health screenings include a temperature check and symptom checking in a safe and respectful manner. 

  • ENHANCED STAFF TRAINING: In addition to the standard first aid and safety training our camp staff receives, we have included additional training on recognizing signs and symptoms of illness


The Summer Acting Camp has the following protocols in place should someone get sick during camp:


  • STAY HOME: Foremost, campers and/or staff should NOT come to camp AND should notify the Summer Acting Camp if any of the following occurs:

    • A camper and/or staff member becomes sick with Covid-19 symptoms​.

    • A camper and/or staff member tests positive for Covid-19.

    • A camper and/or staff member has been exposed to someone with symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.​

  • ISOLATION AND TRANSPORTATION: Should a camper display any symptoms of Covid-19 (such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath), they will be immediately moved to our designated Covid-19 isolation area and evaluated by the LCUSD district nurse. If the nurse determines that the child should be sent home, the child will remain in the isolation area with a staff member until they can safely be picked up by a parent (or in the case of severe illness, transported by an ambulance to the nearest hospital). Staff members with symptoms of Covid-19 will be immediately sent home and replacement staff will be substituted.

  • CLOSE CONTACT: The Summer Acting Camp defines close contact as anyone who was within 6 feet of a person with Covid-19 for more than 15 minutes.

  • CLEAN AND DISINFECT: Areas used by a sick person will be immediately closed off and not used until 1) they have been cleaned and disinfected thoroughly and 2) 24 hours have passed.

  • PROPER NOTIFICATIONS: In accordance with state and local laws and regulations, camp administrators will immediately notify local health officials, staff, and families of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • SELF-ISOLATION AND QUARANTINE: Those with symptoms need to self-isolate for 10 days. Those who have been exposed need to self-quarantine for 14 days even if they don’t feel symptoms or their test came back as negative.

  • AT HOME LESSONS: The Summer Acting Camp has created an online learning platform called TEG Online Academy with multiple virtual lessons so that students may continue their studies.

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