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Three campers pose for a picture

Camp Rules


Our rules and regulations have changed in order to protect our campers, their families and our staff during the pandemic. Please read the following very carefully. Be sure to check this page frequently as these rules and regulations are subject to change without notice based on the recommendations and guidance of local health officials and the CDC. Click HERE for our COVID protocols.


Students may be dropped off as early as 8:00 am in the La Canada High School back parking lot located off of Foothill Boulevard (see MAP for directions). Camp begins promptly at 8:30 am. It is understood that parents must check their children in with a Summer Acting Camp staff member – they may not simply drop their child off in the parking lot. We ask that all parents/guardians REMAIN IN THEIR CAR during drop-off. We have an efficient car-line system, and parking or walking up severely slows down the process and affects everyone's ability to drop-off their child. If you decide to walk your child in, please park your car appropriately (do not block the rest of the car-line), properly wear a mask and maintain proper social distancing from others at all times. ALL STUDENTS MUST PROPERLY WEAR AN APPROVED MASK UPON EXITING THEIR CAR. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY in the parking lot - there are small children present. Should a student arrive before 8:00am, the student will be asked to remain in their car until 8:00am.


After your child has left the car, they will be to their cohort's health station on the softball field where your child will be evaluated for symptoms. While walking to the health station, socially distanced staff will be strategically positioned along the way to ensure that students maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other campers. Once at the health station, campers will be asked a series of health questions, given a temperature check and asked to sanitize their hands. Students who are cleared to attend camp that day will be directed to their cohort. Should a camper have a temperature, display symptoms at any point during camp or receive a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, our camp will immediately initiate our COVID-19 Positive Infection Response Protocols (click HERE for full details) and the student will be immediately placed in our designated isolation area until their parent can come pick them up.


Please pick your child up from camp between 3:15pm and 3:45pm. There is no free after camp care for summer 2021. When a child leaves the camp, they must follow the prescribed exit path - socially distanced staff members will be strategically positioned along the way to ensure that students maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other campers. We ask that all parents/guardians remain in their car during pick-up. We have an efficient car-line system, and parking or walking up severely slows down the process and affects everyone's ability to pick-up their child. If you must walk-up, please park your car in a marked parking stall, properly wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY in the parking lot - there are small children present. Additionally, please be patient and understanding when picking up your child.


Campers may carpool for the summer of 2021. Please do not allow your child to carpool with another family from a different cohort.


Need to pick up your child earlier than 3:15pm? Please email us the day before indicating when the child will be leaving. We will make sure your child is waiting for you at your designated pick-up location (which is the same place your dropped off your child in the morning). If you need to pick up your child unexpectedly in the middle of the day, please call our office at 818-957-1619 and follow the prompts to speak to the on-site camp coordinator. We CANNOT accommodate early pick-ups during the last 30 minutes of camp. Once you arrive, please call our office and we will walk your child out to your car. Please do not exit your car.


All students must be picked up by 3:45 pm. After this time, you will be charged $1.00 per minute for the first 30 minutes and $5.00 per minute thereafter. This fee will go towards covering the cost of staff members supervising your child past camp hours.

Masks and Dress Code


Students must properly wear an approved mask at all times while in camp. Our list of approved masks is based on recommendations from John Hopkins University - click here for more details.

APPROVED MASKS - The following masks are approved for use at camp:

  1. Cloth or Paper Masks 

  2. Procedural and Surgical Masks

  3. N95 or KN95 Masks

BANNED MASKS -The following masks are not allowed at camp:

  1. Neck Gaiters: A neck gaiter (a tube of thin, stretchy knit fabric that can be worn around the neck and pulled up to cover the nose and mouth) is too thin to provide adequate protection.

  2. Bandanas: A bandanna tied around the face does not work as well as a mask because it is open at the bottom.

  3. Masks with Exhalation Valves: Masks with exhalation valves can allow your droplets to escape into the air.

Your child can choose to wear a face shield in addition to one of the approved masks listed above but a face shield is not a substitute for an approved mask nor is it required by the camp. Your child still must wear an approved mask at all times.

We do not accept waivers or exemptions from wearing a face mask. Recently, fake cards and flyers claiming the bearer is exempt from mask-wearing regulations have shown up in some areas. They claim the person carrying them has a physical or mental condition covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that makes them unable to wear a face mask or covering. The United States Department of Justice issued a statement about these fake mask exemptions, explaining that the cards and flyers are fraudulent.

Your child must wear a mask EVEN IF THEY HAVE RECEIVED THE VACCINE. The CDC has stated "fully vaccinated people should continue to wear masks and stay 6 feet apart from other people in other settings like when they are in public or visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple households."

Students are asked to wear comfortable, loose clothing that will allow for unrestricted movement. All clothing must be free of profanity, advertisements for alcohol or illegal substances and generally in good taste. No midriffs please. All students must wear closed toe and heel shoes – sandals and /or flip-flops are NOT allowed. Shorts must be worn under skirts.

Breaks and Lunch


Breaks and lunch are held outdoors in the shade. Additionally, breaks and lunch will occur within individual cohorts spaced 6 feet apart - cohorts will not be allowed to mix and/or meet during breaks or lunch. There are two nutrition breaks and a lunch break every day. Students must bring a sack lunch with them every day as well as a water bottle with their name clearly written on it. A large water bottle is especially important to avoid the use and touching of water fountains. Teachers cannot purchase food for students. There is no microwave or refrigerator. We do not allow any personal electronic devices during the breaks or lunch (including but not limited to smart phones, handheld electronic gaming devices, etc.) There is no snack shack this year for the campers and use of the vending machines is not allowed so please make sure your child has enough food with them for the day.


It is understood that the students will be dismissed to use the bathroom one at a time for safety reasons. Younger students will be escorted to the bathroom by a socially distanced staff member. Students agree to behave themselves while in the bathroom and not deface or vandalize the restrooms in any way. Only one student is allowed in the bathroom at a time.


Students may not deface or vandalize the facilities in any way. Vandalism will result in suspension from the camp and additional fees to cover the damages.


The Summer Acting Camp has a full-time, registered nurse on-site during camp hours trained in first aid, CPR, and epi-pen administration. If a student needs to take any type of medication while at camp (including but not limited to Tylenol, Advil or Benadryl), parents must notify us in advance how the medication is to be administered. All medication (both prescription and non-prescription) must be in its original packaging. Students may keep the medication with them in class as long as their parents have notified us in advance - otherwise, the medication will be kept with our camp manager at the front desk or with our nurse. It is understood that any severe allergies or other medical conditions (including but not limited to diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) must be fully disclosed BEFORE the child begins the program. 


PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. It is understood that students are to behave in a polite and respectful manner while at the Summer Acting Camp. Profanity, verbal disrespect, name calling and/or bullying of any type will not be tolerated. Moreover, pushing, shoving, hitting or rough-housing of any kind is strictly prohibited. We ask that the students not run while at camp. Students are asked to listen and follow instructions to ensure everyone's safety. Students may not remove their mask at any time except to eat or drink during the breaks and lunch. Students are not allowed to bring any kind of weapon to the camp (this includes swiss army knives, etc.) and are asked not to bring cell phones, tablets, cameras, laptops, MP3 players or other electronic devices which might become damaged, lost or stolen. It is understood that the Summer Acting Camp, its staff and subsidiaries, TEG, the La Canada Playhouse and its staff, La Canada High School and its staff and the City of La Canada are absolutely not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen items which the students may elect to bring with them to the Summer Acting Camp. It is understood that the parents will remind their children of the correct way to behave while in camp and if at any time, they can no longer support the policies of the camp, they are encouraged to withdraw their child. Students who repeatedly violate the rules and guidelines will be expelled without a refund. Parents may not upbraid, insult or otherwise abuse Summer Acting Camp staff and/or other students.


The Summer Acting Camp is a "device-free" program. We want the campers to turn off their screens and fully explore their imagination and creativity! As such, students may not use any cell phones, smart phones, tablets, cameras, laptops, MP3 players or other electronic devices during the camp. Students can bring a cell phone with them for emergency purposes ONLY - however, if a student needs to contact his or her parent, we ask they use the camp phone at the front desk.


To keep everyone safe and healthy, the sharing of items, objects and materials is not allowed at the Summer Acting Camp. Campers' belongings are to be kept with that individual camper while at camp. Materials used during camp (i.e. scripts, art supplies, magic supplies, etc) will be provided separately for each individual student.


It is understood that all images, testimonials, photos, video, and audio taken at or in connection with the Summer Acting Camp are the sole and exclusive property of the Summer Acting Camp and its parent company, Theatrical Education Group. As a condition of participation, it is understand and authorized that photos, video and/or audio may be taken of camp participants. It is also understood and agreed that said content may be used by Summer Acting Camp and/or Theatrical Education Group in promotional materials, marketing collateral, and online media.


Regular Tuition for the camp is $325.00 for each 1-week session. Payment is due in full upon submission of your registration. Early Bird tuition is $299.00 for each 1-week session, but payment must be made in full by March 1st to qualify for the Early Bird price.


By entering a valid discount code, the total tuition cost will be reduced by $26.00. Discount codes cannot be combined with the Early Bird tuition rate, cannot be applied to previously submitted applications and may only be used once per student.


In the event that a tuition check doesn't clear because of insufficient funds, it is understood and agreed that the parent will pay the associated bank fee with the bounced check. Additionally, please be aware that should you choose to pay by credit card, your statement will show either "THEATRICAL ED GROUP" or "THEATRE GRP" as the payee. If you have any questions regarding the charge on your statement, please contact us before disputing the charge with your bank to avoid any chargeback fees.

Cancellation Policy


Please read the following carefully for our cancellation policy. If you elect to cancel your registration, we can offer you a full credit for your tuition for a future session (providing we have space - please contact us for availability). There are no refunds for tuition paid from the time of registration. You must notify us via email if you desire to cancel your enrollment. Please allow up to two weeks to process your cancellation and issue you a credit. Should you have to cancel, our company has created an online learning platform called TEG Online Academy with over 50 video lessons and over 40 downloadable activities for virtual arts enrichment.  

If camp is cancelled because of a natural disaster (including but not limited to earthquakes, fires, pandemics), we will offer you a full credit for another session - there are no refunds. With regards to COVID-19, we will be following the guidance of local health officials and the CDC. We understand that there has been disagreement in the past between different state and federal government agencies regarding school closures and stay at home orders - as such, any decision to close will be based on the best available science to ensure that we are keeping our campers and their families as well as our staff safe and healthy. Please know that we do not want to close camp - it is our fervent desire to stay open. However, the health and safety of everyone must come first, and so we will close camp if instructed to by local health officials.


Theatrical Education Group does not share any student and/or parent registration information with any other parties. Theatrical Education Group does not store or have access to any payment information (including but not limited to credit card information). All payments and refunds are handled directly through PayPal. Theatrical Education Group does not share email addresses with any outside parties, and emails from Theatrical Education Group are confined solely to communications regarding the Summer Acting Camp.

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